Registration Process ibas++

It helps provide an updated picture of financial assets and liabilities as well as financial flows. Budget Preparation live operation started in January 2016. budget execution will start from July 2016 and the rollout of the accounting module will be completed in 2016-17 based on the existing classification.

New Classification will be the basis of budget preparation, execution, and accounting for the fiscal year 2017-18. Full Committment control and asset management by 2019-20

ibas++ registration is a online process which is perfomed by ibas++ modules. At ibas++ registration was introduced as SDO Self registration. A Gezzeted officer could register him/herself by online. After Joining the job or Old Job holder registered to ibas++ by online process and they filled up a hard copy for eft. Filling up eft form an officer sent this to the Accounts office.

Cheque and payment order, accounting of all receipts and payment of the government, automated bank reconciliation etc. The system will provide a complete picture of the financial assets and liabilities of the government at a given point of time, after the complete implementation of the system. iBAS++ has the following key modules

  1. Budget Preparation
  2. Budget Execution
  3. General Ledger
  4. Accounting

Key Improvment of ibas++

ibas is a distribution system running with the WAN of Finance Division, whereas ibas++ is a centralized and internet-based system. ibas is a transaction capturing system without a general ledger as a result lacks essential budgetary and accounting controls. On the other hand, ibas++ is a general ledger-based system with budgetary and accounting control provisions. ibas++ does not have provision for budget distribution, fund release and re appropriation with ibas++ provides.


I am a web developer who is working as a freelancer. I am living in Dhaka, a crowded city of Bangladesh. I am working to help for ibas++ user solving problems of it. My site:

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