সর্বশেষ প্রকাশিত

Salary Bill for June month select June (pre) 2022

ibas++ Salary Bill June The salary bill for the month of June (pre) 2022 is going to be submitted. Do not submit the bill (June (pre) / 2022) now, first find out if the DDO user ID of your office has been opened. If DDO account is not opened 01 W “Pay Bill for Accounting month July 2022 is currently disabled. It will be available from 22nd june” message.

ibas++ Salary Bill June

The salary bill for the month of June (pre) 2022 is going to be submitted. Do not submit the bill (June (pre) / 2022) now, first find out if the DDO user ID of your office has been opened. If DDO account is not opened 01 W “Your salary bill for the month of June (pre) 2022 has been submitted & waiting for forwarding by DDO” message.

Another thing is if the DDO account is not opened this month, you will not get paid. Because if DDO forwards your bill, your salary bill will reach the accounting office. The following changes have been made to online bill submission on ibas++ under the direction of CGA Office:

1. After the officer submits the bill online, the bill will be awaited for forwarding by the DDO. After forwarding the DDO, the Accounting Office will be able to process the bill.

2. If DDO is forwarded, an OTP number will be sent to his registered mobile, forwarding will be completed after entering that number.

3. The token number will not be generated until the DDO is forwarded. In this case, a bill number can be obtained. The token number will be generated when the forwarding is completed. 4. A button called GPF Correction is provided at the bottom of the bill submission screen to change the subscription rate of future funds. Online bill submission facility will be available from today (22/06/2022) morning.

জুন/২২ মাসের বেতন বিল দাখিল করলে তা জুলাই মাস একাউন্টিং মাস হিসেবে গণ্য হবে তাই ২০২২-২৩ অর্থ বছর হতে তা বিয়োগ হবে এবং ঐ অর্থ বছরের বাজেট হতেই কর্তন হবে। আগামীকাল হতে জুন প্রি ২০২২ মাসের বেতন বিল অনলাইনে আইবাস++ হতে দাখিল করা যাবে।

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