GPF Form by Online Process 2024 । নতুন ডিজিটাল পদ্ধতিতে জিপিএফ হিসাব খোলার নিয়ম কি?
সনাতন পদ্ধতি এখন দুরে থাক। নতুন পদ্ধতিতে জিপিএফ হিসাব খোলা যাবে। অফিসারগণ অনলাইনেই জিপিএফ ফরম দাখিল করতে পারবেন ফলে হিসাবরক্ষণ অফিস হতে সেটি অনুমোদন করিয়ে নিলেই জিপিএফ হিসাব খোলা শেষ।
নতুন নিয়োগ প্রাপ্ত গেজেটেড কর্মকর্তাগণ অর্থাৎ Self Drawing Officers (SDO) গণ তাদের জিপিএফ হিসাব নম্বর (Ibas++ online digital gpf account opening) তাদের আইবাস++ এর Self Drawing Officers (SDO) আইডি থেকে এবং নন গেজেটেড কর্মচারিগণ তাদের ডিডিও এর আইডি হতে iBAS++ System (online) হতে Ibas++ gpf online digital account খুলতে পারবে।
ibas++ GPF Subcriber Entry – New Digital GPF Number Active – GPF Number Digitalized
GPF Account Opening – also known as General Provident Fund account opening – in the past, GPF Account would be opened manual process by filling a form and had to send to accounts office. Now it is self-application by ibas++ and will be approved by the accounts office.
New GPF Subscriber can register gpf account by filling up gpf form from ibas++. The accounting office will Approve the information and then gpf account will be active. So GPF Accounting opening is easy for the new joining employee.
GPF Subscriber Nominee Entry / GPF Account Opening form from ibas++
GPF Account No old will be replaced by GPF Account Number New / Now GPF Account Opening is online-based.

Caption: Online GPF Account opening form / NID, Birth Registration will be needed for nominee entry. NID or Birth Certificate only.
Process of GPF Info Entry for new joining employee
- Login to ibas++ by user id and password provided by the accounts office
- Go to GPF subscriber Nominee Entry
- Name and GPF Number will be general Automatically by ibas++
- Fill up the new nominee info entry form by selecting inputting the info
- Select Adult or Minor (Minor can be nominated)
- NID or Birth registration number
- Date of Birth, Nominee Name
- Guardian Name for minor
- Select Relations like daughter, son or spouse
- Address of Nominee
- Share of Total GPF Amount. You can nominate two-person by sharing percentage.
- Save and print nominee form
- Sign it and Signed by office authority
- Upload Nominee form and submit it
- just done